Tuesday 4v4 CWL S2

Winter S2 CWL League Information

League Information Winter Session 2: CWL Compete 



Tuesdays, 8:30-10:00pm

February 18 - April 22, 2025 

Foote Field (11601 68 Ave NW)


The League schedule can be found here: Schedule


The League Directors for this league is Eden Vanderlaan & Ashlyn Smith. Any on site questions and concerns can be directed to the League Directors. Questions about the website or app can be directed to programcoordinator@eupa.ca. 



Given the number of players that choose the Compete route, we have made up 4 Teams. You are on Team 1. Each week you'll play with your team in a 4v4 game with variable format. 


Please bring a dark and white jersey each night.



Visit this link for field dimensions and set up: Field Map

The format of this league will be the following rules with modification:

  • 4v4 female and non-male identifying ultimate on a 35x20 field, with 3 yard end zones
  • Continuous format
  • League Director(s) may flex into other formats.


If you will miss a night of play, please communicate that with the league directors either in person or through the RAMP App and look for a sub to take your place. Subs can be found through the EUPA Community Slack #subs channel.


If you have friends who would like to sub in this league and are current 2025 EUPA members, they can find the Sub Form here and they will be contacted to sub in the league when there is a need for a sub. Note that subs should be of a similar playing level to the player they are replacing and MUST have a valid EUPA membership to play as per the EUPA Sub Policy.



Spirit of the Game is at the heart of Ultimate and is a defining characteristic of the sport. With no referees, Ultimate relies on Spirit of the Game, placing the onus of spirited and honorable play on the players themselves. See the EUPA Spirit Policy for further details. Any questions or concerns related to a team's spirit can be directed to spirit@eupa.ca.


League Information Winter Session 2: CWL Train and Play



Tuesdays, 8:30-10:00pm

February 18 - April 22, 2025 

Foote Field (11601 68 Ave NW)


The League Directors for this league are Eden Vanderlaan & Ashlyn Smith. While Tanya Beasly and Neilu Rishi will be the coaches for the Train and Play sessions. Any on site questions and concerns can be directed to the League Directors. Questions about the website or app can be directed to programcoordinator@eupa.ca. 



As there are only 15 players, we are not separating anyone into teams and will have Tanya and Neilu do this when any type of games are played. 


Please bring a dark and white jersey each night.



Visit this link for field dimensions and set up: Field Map



Spirit of the Game is at the heart of Ultimate and is a defining characteristic of the sport. With no referees, Ultimate relies on Spirit of the Game, placing the onus of spirited and honorable play on the players themselves. See the EUPA Spirit Policy for further details. Any questions or concerns related to a team's spirit can be directed to spirit@eupa.ca.



The format of this league will be fully ran at the discretion of Coach Tanya and Coach Neilu. 



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