Register Now: Summer Leagues
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Monday Development Program Tuesday Spring 5v5 Hat League | Tuesday Summer 5v5 Team League Thursday 7v7 Team League |
Make a team, join a team, or develop your skills in this summer's array of Ultimate opportunities! Not many things are better than making phenomenal Ultimate plays under the sunny summer rays!
Team Leagues vs Individual Leagues
In Team Leagues a captain registers a team and recruits players to their team. In Individual Leagues anyone can sign up, and EUPA will place you on a balanced team for that league.
Monday Development Program
- Who: This program is targeted towards developing and beginner adult players
- When: Monday May 6th to June 17th 7:00-8:30PM (7 weeks).
- Where: Kaskitayo Park (1975 109 St NW, Edmonton)
- Format: Group and 1-on-1 coaching followed by a scrimmage.
- Cost: $56.00 + GST
- Early Bird Pricing - save $6.00 when you register on or before Friday March 15
- Registration Options: Individual and Pods
- Individual - you will be placed on a team
- Pods - up to 4 players - must include at least 50% of Femme+ players.
Registration Closes: May 5th, 2024 @ 10PM
This registration is now closed.
Tuesday Spring 5v5 Hat League
- Who: This league is targeted towards recreational players. The minimum age for this program is 18.
- When: Tuesdays - April 30-June 25 - 7:00-9:00PM (9 weeks)
- Where: Kaskitayo Park (1975 109 St NW, Edmonton)
- Format:
- 5v5 on a 65x20 field. Captains can flex into a 80x30 field if both agree
- Standard with subs on the fly
- Cost: $90.00 + GST
- Early Bird Pricing - save $9.00 when you register on or before Friday March 15
- Stall 9 Fee - avoid paying a $9.00 fee when you register on or before Wednesday April 17
- Registration Options: Individuals and Pods
- Individual - you will be placed on a team
- Pods - up to 5 players - must include at least 33% of Femme+ players, e.g. 1 or more F+ player for every 2M+ players.
Registration Closes: April 23rd, 2024 @ 10PM
This registration is now closed.
Tuesday Summer 5v5 Team League
- Who: This league is targeted towards all players.
- When: Tuesdays - July 2-August 27 - 7:00-9:00PM (9 weeks)
- Where: Kaskitayo Park (1975 109 St NW, Edmonton)
- Format:
- Cost: $90.00 + GST
- Early Bird Pricing - save $9.00 when you register on or before Wednesday May 15
- Registration Options: Individual, Pod, and Team
Individual Reserve a spot with a $30 deposit | Pod Guarantee your spot with a pod | Team (for Captains) Create a team to play in the league |
This registration is now closed. | This registration is now closed. | This registration is now closed. |
Spots will be given out on a first-come-first-served basis to teams that request players | Pods must have minimum 50% F+ players Allowable pod ratios examples: 0M+:2F+ or 2M+:3F+ Pods will be placed on teams Maximum pod size of 5 | Captain Registration Guide Minimum Roster Deadline (4M+/4F+) June 19 Need more players? Contact |
Registration Closes: June 25, 2024 @ 10PM
Thursday Summer 7v7 Team League
- Who: This league is targeted towards all players.
- When: Thursdays - May 2-August 29 - 7:00-9:00PM (18 weeks)
- Where: Kaskitayo Park (1975 109 St NW, Edmonton)
- Format:
- Cost: $180.00 + GST
- Early Bird Pricing - save $18.00 when you register on or before Friday March 15
- Registration Options: Individual, Pod, and Team
Individual Reserve a spot with a $30 deposit | Pod Guarantee your spot with a pod | Team (for Captains) Create a team to play in the league |
This registration is now closed | This registration is now closed | This registration is now closed |
Spots will be given out on a first-come-first-served basis to teams that request players | Pods must have minimum 50% F+ players Allowable pod ratios examples: 0M+:2F+ or 2M+:3F+ Pods will be placed on teams Maximum pod size of 7 | Captain Registration Guide Minimum Roster Deadline (5M+/5F+) April 17 Need more players? Contact |
Registration Closes: April 25, 2024 @ 10PM