What is EUPA?
The Edmonton Ultimate Players Association was established in 2001 as a not-for-profit organization devoted to promoting the ultimate community in Edmonton and the surrounding areas. The organization consists of a Board of Directors, three staff members and committees.
EUPA Membership? What is that and do I need one?
For tracking, insurance, and administrative purposes, a EUPA membership is required for playing in all of EUPA's programming. There are 4 types of membership: (1) General Membership (2) Youth Membership (3) Adult Tournaments Membership (4) Youth Tournament Membership.
All memberships expire annually on Oct. 31, regardless of membership issue date. Membership fees, if any, are non-refundable. If a member holds multiple memberships, the rights of the General Membership take precedence.
Per the bylaws, Voting Members must be
Voting Members in good standing are permitted to vote at meetings of the members and hold office within the association.
Membership Details:
| General Membership | Youth Membership | Adult Tournament Membership | Youth Tournament Membership | Drop-in and Outreach Membership |
Cost | $10.00 | Free with registration in a EUPA Youth program | Free with registration in a EUPA Adult Tournament. | Free with registration in a EUPA Youth Tournament | Free with registration in a paid Drop-in or Outreach Program |
Rights |
How do I join the EUPA Board of Directors?
An election is held annually at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) which takes place in November. Board positions are two-year terms which are off-set to allow five transitioning positions each year. By-elections may be called at any time if vacancies arise between AGMs. If you are interested in running or would like to nominate someone for a position at the next election, contact secretary@eupa.ca. Click here for a description of the board positions.
What is and how do I join a EUPA Committee?
EUPA also has 7 committees that assist with the running of the organization. These committees are Executive, Programming, Growth & Marketing, Tournaments & Events, Fields, Staff and Youth. If you are interested in joining a committee, reach out to admin@eupa.ca. More information can be found on the About Us page.
What is Ultimate?
Ultimate is a non-contact team sport where a flying disc is passed from player to player to score points. Points are scored by catching the disc in the designated end-zone. Players cannot run while in position of the disc. What makes Ultimate different from other sports is that it is self-officiating, even at the highest levels of competition. Learn more here.
What are the Rules?
EUPA follows the USAU Rules which are the same rules followed by Ultimate Canada events. Rules are updated every two years with the most current version always available online. Specific leagues or tournaments may include additional rules or rule amendments.
In general the rules are:
How many players are on the field at once?
Traditionally, Ultimate has been played with 14 players on the field (seven from each team). However, smaller formats have also become popular particularly for indoor play where space is limited. EUPA currently offers leagues in the following formats: 4v4, 5v5, 6v6 and 7v7. For some leagues, format may be adjusted based on the number of registrants or game attendees.
What is the field size?
Field size will vary depending on the format being played (4v4, 5v5, 6v6, 7v7). Field size for 7v7 play can be found in the USAU Rules in Appendix A. Field size is reduced for other formats and may vary depending on facility dimensions and field availability.
What is Spirit of the Game?
Spirit of the Game (SOTG) is one of the defining aspects of Ultimate. With no referees, the onus of honourable play is put on the players themselves. Spirit of the Game is referenced in game rules and is often rewarded through honouring Spirit winners at leagues and tournaments. Watch this video by Ultimate Canada about what Spirit of the Game means and another video with five ways to improve your SOTG.
How do I create a EUPA account and add myself or others as a player who can register for leagues?
Click on the Member Log In button at the top of the page and click "Don't have an account? Create one Here". In your account, add yourself or any other potential registrants as family members. See this short video showing How to Create a EUPA Account.
I have registration issues! Who can help me?
If you are having trouble navigating our registration system, reach out to the Administrative Coordinator via email (admin@eupa.ca), phone @ 587-523-3543 or direct message through the EUPA Community Slack.
It says my account is no longer valid, what does this mean?
In October 2021 we switched to a new registration system. If you have not registered for a league or tournament since before then, you will need to create a new account. Account related questions can be directed to admin@eupa.ca.
What is Individual Sign Up?
Individual sign up is when a league or tournament allows players to sign up as an individual player without a team affiliation. In these instances, EUPA will be creating teams or placing players on teams.
What is Team Sign Up?
Team sign up programs require a team captain or organizer to first register/create a team in our system and send their players the team invite link. Players on that team will require a team link from their captain/organizer to then register individually for the league. See the Team Registration User Guide.
What is Pod Sign Up?
Pod sign up is when a league or tournament allows players to indicate which players that they would like to be placed on a team with. During registration there will be a place to list the names of your pod-mates. Please ensure that the other players are aware of your request to ‘pod’ with them - only reciprocal pods will be considered. We will try our best to keep all pods intact but know that it might not always be possible to do so and create balanced teams.
What if I need to withdraw before the program starts? Can I get a credit or refund?
Refer to the Credit/Refund Policy to see if you qualify. If you do, fill out the Credit/Refund Request Form. Allow 30 days for processing. Any question/concerns can be directed to admin@eupa.ca.
What if I want to withdraw from a program that has already started? Can I get a credit or refund?
Credits or Refunds are not granted for programs that have already started. However, appeals may be considered in extenuating circumstances. Appeals can be made by filling out the Credit/Refund Appeal Form. Any questions/concerns can be directed to executivedirector@eupa.ca.
What if I cannot make it to a game?
There is no penalty or reimbursement for missed games. Where an absence will affect your team’s ability to play, it is highly encouraged that players attempt to find a substitute player in place of the missing player. Substitute players must have a valid membership.
How do I find a substitute player?
Players can look for fellow EUPA members to substitute by posting on the EUPA FB Group or in the EUPA Community Slack Channel under #subs. Players should notify their team captain / Ambassador of absences in order for them to assist with finding a substitute player. Email admin@eupa.ca for an invite to the EUPA Community Slack.
What if I get injured and can no longer play?
If the program has not started yet, refer to the Credit/Refund Policy to see if you qualify for a credit or refund. If the program has already started or you do not qualify for a credit or refund, a replacement player can take your place in the league/tournament.
When a replacement player is found:
What if there is bad weather? When will games be canceled?
Refer to our Weather Policy on this page for how to handle inclement weather or poor air quality.
Hat (League or Tournament)
A Hat league or tournament is an event where players register as individuals and teams are assembled by the organizers. Traditionally, this may have been putting names into a hat and randomly drawing out names to create teams, hence the term “Hat.” In actuality, great care is taken to ensure balanced teams during our programs to ensure a fun, fair and competitive experience for our participants.
Pick Up
A “Pick Up” game is a drop-in style event where players can show up to play a game of Ultimate. Teams are made on the spot and there is no pre-registration required. This is a great opportunity to introduce friends to the sport with minimal commitment. Note: For insurance purposes, a membership ($8) is required to participate. Become a member here.
Train & Play
A “Train & Play” differs from a Pick Up game in that it includes a training component along with game play (or scrimmage). A portion of the session will be dedicated to teaching skills such as throwing/catching and running drills. The session typically concludes with a scrimmage match to simulate real world game situations in which to apply the newly acquired knowledge.
Mixed, Women’s and Open Formats
The majority of programming offered by EUPA is Mixed, where all genders share a field. In Mixed play, there will be a gender ratio set where teams are required to have a certain number of players of different genders on the field at any given time.
Women’s leagues and divisions are for female-identifying players and provide an alternative to mixed play. EUPA’s women’s leagues are open to all levels of female players.
Open divisions are considered “open for all,” though in tournament play this is typically populated mostly by men. Tournaments with an Open division will often also have a corresponding Women’s division.
A pull is when teams line up on opposite end zones and the team that scored the last point will throw (or “pull”) the disc towards the opposing team to start the next point. At the start of the game the team that executes the first pull will be determined by the captain during the ‘flip.’ Some formats of play will have pulls and others will not.
Player Substitutions
A player substitution is when a player on the field is replaced by another player from the same team. There are two types of substitutions: Standard and Sub-on-the-Fly
The following World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF) definitions may be used to establish ratio rules for a league or tournament.
Refer to WFDF Rules of Ultimate 2021-2024 - Appendix v2 section A6 for more information. Full WFDF rules are found here https://rules.wfdf.org/resources.
Different programs will employ different gameplay formats. It is important to check with organizers which format is in use during a particular game. In some circumstances, format can be negotiated between captains to accommodate the needs of the players. Here is a list of some typical game play formats: